Arma 3 News - "Neues S.O.G. Update 1.3 bringt frischen Wind in den Dschungelkrieg!"

Es gibt eine neue News zu dem Steam Game Arma 3 vom 14.06.2023. Folgendes hat dabei der Entwickler von Arma 3 veröffentlicht:

Savage Game Design

TO: Arma 3 Creator DLC Users

OPSUM: A review of the S.O.G. Prairie Fire 1.3 Update

Hello Arma 3 players!

The team behind S.O.G. Prairie Fire is excited to be rolling out our third major update, with new vehicles, weapons, and factions to expand your Vietnam War experience.

The 1.3 update was released on June 13, 2023, and your game should update normally on Steam. Please remember, after large updates, to verify Arma 3 local file integrity in your Steam library.

For a full report, please visit:
Die vollständige News zu "Neues S.O.G. Update 1.3 bringt frischen Wind in den Dschungelkrieg!" findet ihr auf der Arma 3 Steam Seite