War Thunder News - Das krasseste Update aller Zeiten: bringt neue Features und unglaubliche Verbesserungen!
Es gibt eine neue News zu dem Steam Game War Thunder vom 07.04.2023. Folgendes hat dabei der Entwickler von War Thunder veröffentlicht:
War Thunder Update: Bug Fixes and Sound Improvements
War Thunder has released a new update that includes several bug fixes and sound improvements. Here are some of the major changes:
- A bug that made hits from 30 mm automatic cannons of a low velocity look and sound like hits of high velocity cannons (3000 - 6000 rpm) has been fixed.
- Firing sounds of the player’s automatic cannons have been corrected by volume in relation to main calibre cannons and machine guns.
- The sounds of falling cannon casings of ground vehicles have received more volume and are now louder.
These are just some of the changes included in the update. War Thunder is constantly improving and implementing specific fixes without the need for a client update.
Die vollständige News zu Das krasseste Update aller Zeiten: bringt neue Features und unglaubliche Verbesserungen! findet ihr auf der War Thunder Steam Seite