War Thunder News - "Entwickler-Team antwortet auf Fragen der YouTube-Community und Content-Ersteller"

Es gibt eine neue News zu dem Steam Game War Thunder vom 27.05.2023. Folgendes hat dabei der Entwickler von War Thunder veröffentlicht:


Q: Will there be any changes to the economy in War Thunder?
A: We are currently analyzing feedback from players and content creators regarding the economy and are planning to make some changes in the future. We will provide more information on this topic once we have finalized our plans.

Q: Can we expect any changes to the rewards for completing tasks and achievements?
A: We are constantly reviewing and adjusting the rewards for tasks and achievements to ensure they are balanced and fair. We will continue to make changes as necessary to ensure players are appropriately rewarded for their efforts.

Q: Will there be any changes to the cost of repairs for vehicles?
A: We are aware that some players feel the cost of repairs is too high and are currently reviewing this aspect of the game. We will provide more information on this topic once we have finalized our plans.

Game Modes

Q: Will there be any new game modes added to War Thunder?
A: We are always looking for ways to improve and expand the game, and new game modes are definitely something we are considering. We will provide more information on this topic once we have finalized our plans.

Q: Can we expect any changes to the matchmaking system?
A: We are constantly reviewing and adjusting the matchmaking system to ensure it is fair and balanced for all players. We will continue to make changes as necessary to ensure a positive gameplay experience for everyone.


We hope that these answers have been helpful to our content creators and players alike. We appreciate all of the feedback we receive and are committed to making War Thunder the best game it can be. Stay tuned for more updates and changes in the future!
Die vollständige News zu "Entwickler-Team antwortet auf Fragen der YouTube-Community und Content-Ersteller" findet ihr auf der War Thunder Steam Seite