World of Tanks Blitz News - "Revolution auf vier Rädern: Der neue Renault G1 setzt Maßstäbe im Elektroauto-Segment!"

Es gibt eine neue News zu dem Steam Game World of Tanks Blitz vom 08.06.2023. Folgendes hat dabei der Entwickler von World of Tanks Blitz veröffentlicht:

Renault G1 Bundle: Get Your Hands on the New French Collector Tank

Attention tankers! The Renault G1 bundle is now available for free in the store. Don't miss out on this opportunity to claim your daily rewards and collect 100 parts of the certificate for the new French Collector tank.

During the 10-day subscription span, enter the game every day to claim your daily reward of 10 parts of the certificate for the Renault G1. Along with the parts, you'll also receive boosters, certificates for x3 XP, Free XP, and a stunning camo. But remember, if you miss a day, the parts will not be added.

The Renault G1 is a heavy tank with solid armor, a high rate of fire, and decent damage. It's ready to show off its superiority to its enemies and become a reliable addition to your tank collection.

If you can't enter the game all 10 days, don't worry. Until June 27, you can find a bundle with 10 parts of the certificate for the Renault G1 in the store. Collect the missing parts, combine them in your Storage, and rush into battle.

So mark your calendars and get ready to claim your rewards. The free subscription is available in Europe from June 7 to June 17, in North America from June 7 to June 17, and in APAC from June 7 to June 17. Don't miss out on this chance to add the Renault G1 to your collection.
Die vollständige News zu "Revolution auf vier Rädern: Der neue Renault G1 setzt Maßstäbe im Elektroauto-Segment!" findet ihr auf der World of Tanks Blitz Steam Seite